One of the greatest gifts I have ever received is my very own wooden toy chest. Grandma B mentioned something about picking out my favorite one, but Santa showed up at our house 6 days before Christmas, at 2 in the afternoon, smoking and wearing brown polyester from head to toe. He was not bearded, fat, or really jolly at all. I thought I recognized him from when my winter boots came in the mail, and he got back into a huge brown truck- not one single reindeer in sight, and definitely not a sled. Maybe he was going to a costume party.
Leeann came to visit us for a whole week. Her winter break from nursing school was well deserved, and she decided to spend it with us. After some much needed R&R, Lagniappe's, 4 bags of chips, some aiding and abetting, a little New Years Eve get together and a record breaking amount of T.V. watching, she went back home to be with Striper man, because he can't really hear anything.
Christmas this year was really fun and really long. We always go to Great Grandma and Grandpa B's, where the gifts flow like the Rio Grande- slowly and steadily. Christmas Eve on Sheetram Road is so crazy it requires 2 intermissions! I don't even think the Bills do that. This year Maya and her whole family came, and we played with every single toy we could physically see. The next morning at home is like the Christmas Eve hang over- we sleep late, drink a lot of water, eat, then sleep more. Gramma Gette got me a really cool car. It's no Bugotti, but boy does it rip around the dining room. Reggie stood in as my stunt driver this year, I did not want to ruin my flannel Christmas pajamas.