Taking the girls for a walk is one of my favorite things to do at night. The girls are kind of fat and pretty smelly, so we like to let them air out and burn some calories as often as possible. I like to walk Reggie the most. She is pretty scared of Mommy she won't ever get out of line or pull me to the ground. She also needs two leashes, so Daddy helps me walk her too.
Normally I don't wear Grandma's glasses, but they seemed like they really needed something. Maybe it was fingerprints or a good smashing, so I gave them both.
Clementine's Uncle Nicky bought a new house, and he lives right around the block from us! We went to go check it out and wish him, but mainly to jump on his sofa. After that we stopped by the Elmwood Art Festival where I got my hand painted and visited with Sushi, Hazel, Jessika, and Mike. Two dogs! Same brand!
This outfit is what Grandma Randie would call an A.R.O. It ensures that no one will talk to you while you are wearing it, under any circumstances, even if you are a little kid. A.R.O.'s are used to keep strangers at bay, and to stay safe when you are walking to your car, day or night.
The nice guys over at room on Elmwood gave me LuLu, my English Bulldog, when I was only about 6 months old. LuLu has a sweety butt and small tail, so sometimes she needs to put it on stuff. LuLu's butt goes on just about everything, from Reggie's butt to the front stoop. She also makes a great travel companion, so I take her in the car with me to Grandma's sometimes.