Sorry it's been so long, I took a reeeeeeeeallly looonnnngggggg naaaaaaap. When I woke up, we were in Brooklyn! Mom and Dad took me on a trip to the Metropolitan area to surprise Gramma, visit all our friends and cousins, and eat bagels of course! I met Maryann and Frank for the first time, I had a blast a their house. I also visited Saved Tattoo so Mom and Dad could get love tats from Michelle Tarantelli, the prettiest moon we know! I hung out with the triplets, they are so much fun. Tricia and Marc have a VERY fancy bed. It's so fluffy! I had a nice nap at their place in Greenpoint, I love Marc a lot he's so handsome! We also stayed in a hotel with a marble bathroom and ordered room service! After a whole bottle of wine, it was time to go home.
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