My first trip to the desert was such a blast! Everything is made out of nice tile and everyone was so happy to see me. I spent a lot of time with Poppa, Grandie, Jack and Pudge. We ate life cereal, went for walks without down jackets, and I got to eat pancakes at a casino! One day it even rained more than it had in almost forever. I met Southwest Santa, who Mom and Dad said is different from WNY Santa, cause you see this guy under palm trees. All Poppa and Grandie's friends came for a great birthday party, on my real first birthday! And Rudy came! He is a stitch. He yells a lot and looks just like Poppa, I wish I could see him all the time. Mom and Dad said one week was enough, cause now we're in the red, and sadly but surely we came back to Buffalo.

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