Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My bubby Denise bought me this cute dress, and it came with a matching schmata for my hair. Sometimes I just use it to get some schmutz off my face after I've eaten some challah bread with a schmear and some lox. Mommy made me schlep this sweater around even though it was warm- my punishment for not doing so was a good smack on the tucchis!! She's got some serious chutzpah sometimes. Daddy is a real mensch and we're very lucky to have him, though instead of being in these pictures, Mommy was outside kvetching with our meshugana landlady about our new schmuck neighbors. Oy vey!


Shivs said...

Dear LLM.

Seriously, it's been a while. Let's hang. Tell yer ma.

BFF-- Prof. Shivs.

Sam Hamilton said...

Ach! The little bubbeleh in her nice clothes is so cute!