As the saying goes in Western New York, "If you don't like the weather, just wait 30 minutes." In this case it was a few days and a 75 degree afternoon. This temperature called for a special treat- a puppy party! Unlike the ones where you buy smelly candles or edible undies, this party had 8 dogs! There was Francesca, Reggie, Thor, Choncho, Maggie, Sushi, Henry and Toby. In order, they are an old smelly mutt, a Pug, a Jack Russell Terrier, an Alaskan Malamute, an English Bulldog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a Yellow Lab, and a Boxer. Francesca, the resident nasty old codger, was kind of a jerk so she spent a few minutes in time out. Besides a few small violent outbursts from Fran the party went off without a hitch! No fingers, toes, tails, ears or keys were lost and everybody had a great time. Henry peed in the water dish and Sushi had a momentary lapse in judgment- she went AWOL! Thank goodness only puppies showed up, there was a serious canine mosh pit in our neighbors garden. I would like Mom and Dad to have 8 dogs over every weekend!

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