Sunday, February 24, 2008

Your Mom Goes To College

Uncle Jon put this sign on me when I was sleeping, to remind me that education is key! Although I make a very well dressed bum, Mom and Dad said I have to go to college and learn a whole lot so I don't befriend the Lexington Co-Op bums one day, even though we sometimes share our baguette with them.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Spring Preview 2008

My mom is a little crazy with buying me clothes, no matter what size they are really. She decided I needed some new sugie gear for summer, and for spring, and for 2 years from now. We had a fashion show with some of my new clothes, specifically because they're HUGE!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Soup D'jour

This calzone weighs more than I do. Mom really over did it with the ingredients, and this thing weighed easily 13 lbs. I hit up Spot on Friday night, and forgot to put one of my socks back on. Some Mother Earth looking old codger seemed really blown away that I was sockless in sub zero temperatures, but I had a cup of coffee so everything was cool.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You and Me

Even though our parents force us to hang out, Clementine and I really like each other. Just the other day I went to Clementines new house and we were totally wearing the same shirt! Get off my wavelength Gianadda!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Naked as a Jay Bird

I'm not sure why, but more than half my day is spent naked. I'm naked in the bath, I'm naked after I crap explosively up my back and mom throws out my clothes, and I'm usually naked when I'm napping. Mom says it is NEVER acceptable to be naked on the internet, under any circumstances, unless you are under 5 years old. And since I look totally adorable basically all the time, I thought I'd show off my super fit abs and my lightning bolt butt crack!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I'm Ready For My Close-Up, Mr. DeMille...

For some reason, Mom and Dad really love to take super close up pictures of my face. I'm usually a very smiley girl, but sometimes the flash scares the crap out of me, and I put on my serious face.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Eat it!

The other day I made a life changing discovery. Do you know trying to shove your whole fist in your mouth is one of lifes greatest pleasures????? Well i do! It's one of my very favourite things to do, you really should try it. One hand, both hands, whatever you can fit, whichever way you lay it down, it's pretty awesome. One thing I've learned from trying to swallow my hands is, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again".

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

I guess before I was born, my gramma Denise had a huge party for Mom and Dad, and all their friends and family bought stuff for me. It's called a Baby Shower, but I think I stayed pretty dry. About a month or so later I was born, and Mom and Dad's friends Mike and Jessika totally fell in love! They met each other at the party, and it was love at first sight. Jessika is a total baby monger, she loves to come see me, and I really like her curly red hair. Mikes mom said she felt like she waited forever for me to be born, and like Prince says, "forever is a mighty long time". If all goes as planned, one day they will make a friend for me!